New Year- New Adventure
This new year has felt strange, as last year was so diffiuclt, it seemed like after new year everything would reset to how it used to be....
Applications for 2025
Every year I worry about getting my work out there and yet I always get shows. I cant predict when I will get something bigger and...
The Shows Must Go On
2024 has been a strange year, it started ok, then went to bad, then worse and now is becoming positive again. The shift in tempo I'm...
Whats to Come?
So many mixed feelings lately. I'm sitting with the unknown all the time in my art practice, playing with materials and figuring things...
2024 Works in Progress
I'm the real work in progress. However it manifests in what I create. Here are some images of my studio mess and what is currently...
Language for a Language
Writing about art when its someone else work can be much easier to do. I generally avoid writing about my own work, as often I get...
Vipassana has been an integral part of my life for a long time. I sat my first 10 day course in 2008, and practiced a lot around that...
Soft Fabrics, Fragile Pottery and Hard Wood
a mixed media artist that has had a mixed year. One of extremes in some ways. My health and my moods have not been very good at all. Peri...
Domestic Nature
Sometimes an exhibition finds you, like the universe delivers it straight into your lap and its easy. This was the case with Domestic...
Group Dynamics
I have met some lovely people here and had some lovely trips and jaunts around Reykjavik. However I have been homesick and missed my...